Monitoring of key Internet services

Our monitoring service ensures monitoring of the main types of servers and protocols that are found on the Internet.

Monitoring of complex web scenarios

Transaction monitoring, also known as web scenario monitoring, makes it possible to check a process that takes place over many pages on a web site. For example, this monitoring makes it possible to check the performance of a search process, a purchase process or even a registration process on an e-commerce site.

Monitoring frequency of 1 minute

The monitoring frequency of your Internet services determines the pace at which our monitoring centers come to check if your services are functioning correctly.

Monitoring provided 24x7x365

As of today, the internetVista® monitoring platform comprises 11 monitoring centres which function continuously. Even when maintenance is to be carried out on any one of the monitoring centres, the other monitoring centres continue to monitor your Internet services without any interruption in service.

Checking the downloaded content

In the framework of web site monitoring, the following operations shall be carried out during each check:

Possibility of defining maintenance periods

For each one of your monitored services, you can define maintenance periods during which the internetVista® monitoring will be suspended. Usually, when you perform maintenance operations that have been scheduled in advance, you do not want alerts to be sent, because the breakdown of your monitored web site or service is planned and controlled by your technical team.

Monitoring of web forms

Within the framework of web site monitoring, you can simulate the proper functioning of your web forms, whether it is a contact form, a search form or even an online order form. In fact, the InternetVista® monitoring platform allows you to simulate the sending of data to a web server, in either POST or GET form (HTTP standard for sending data to your web server).

Management of redirections

The HTTP standard provides the possibility of a URL being redirected towards another URL; in other words, one URL is replaced by another. When your browser accesses a URL, the web server which manages it can indicate that the URL in question has moved, either temporarily, or permanently. At the HTTP protocol level, when your web server sends a 302 code, it is known as temporary redirects, whereas if your web server sends a 301 code, it is referred to as permanent redirects.

IPv6 monitoring and surveillance

Our IPv6 monitoring service surveils the availability and performance of your entire IPv6 infrastructure, such as your web servers (http and https), e-mail servers, file servers (FTP)... internetVista also handles the transaction monitoring of your web scripts involving IPv6.

SSL certificate monitoring (https)

An SSL certificate consists of data that links a cryptographic key to the information of an organisation or company. Installed on a server, the certificate activates the security of the information exchanged between the web server and the browser. The user then sees a padlock in the address bar indicating that the connection is secure.

Alerts by email, sms, Slack, iphone notification,...

In case of malfunction of one of your applications being monitored, you are immediately alerted by internetVista® so as to enable you to react as quickly as possible.

Selection of monitoring centers

The internetVista® monitoring platform is composed of 11 monitoring centers that ensure the monitoring of your web sites, your email servers, etc., in perfect collaboration and alternation.

More regular checks in case of breakdowns

The monitoring frequency of your applications varies between 1 minute and 60 minutes based on the criticality of these applications. It is this monitoring frequency that will determine the monitoring price.

Counter-checking errors before sending alerts

Our various monitoring centers successively ensure that the proper functioning of your monitored web services is checked. When an error is detected by one of our monitoring centers, it is then counter-checked by another monitoring center before an alert is triggered. Therefore, since an error must be detected by at least two monitoring centers before an alert can be sent to you, this protects you from false alarms.

Performance check

While monitoring your Internet services, you can set a maximum response time that your service must not exceed, otherwise it will be considered as an error.

Automatic traceroute

A traceroute is a utility that makes it possible to follow the route that an IP data package will take to go from our monitoring centers right up to your physical server.

Password protected web page monitoring

Web servers make it possible to protect your pages so that they are accessible only to persons providing their username and a password. Our monitoring platform allows you to monitor these kind of pages, as it makes it possible to simulate the authentication and thus monitor the smooth functioning of the protected page.

Monitoring of websites protected by a client certificate

Certain websites are only accessible for visitors who have a specific client certificate. The client certificate is a certificate stored on the client workstation and is provided when connecting to these sites.
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