What are the possible errors during the monitoring?
This page includes all the statuses used by internetvista. It concerns the statuses of verifications carried out by the monitoring centres. Each status is listed with its code and a brief description
- Common codes used for all protocols
- HTTP - Hypertext Transfer Protocol
- FTP - File Transfer Protocol
- DNS - Domain Name Server
- IMAP - Internet Message Access Protocol
- POP - Post Office Protocol
- SMTP - Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
- TCP - Transmission Control Protocol
- UDP - User Datagram Protocol
- MYSQL - Mysql Protocol
Common codes used for all protocols (Top)
OK (200)
This status indicates that the check is well done.
Matching sentence OK
The page returned by the server contains the keyword specified in the application.
Connection refused
The server refused to establish the connection.
Client certificate not found
The client certificate could not be found, the file containing the client certificate must be located within the monitoring infrastructure
Client certificate error
Either the client certificate or the password entered is incorrect
Invalid variable
The variable is unknown, not defined or misused
Invalid function
The fonction call is not valid.
Response too slow
Server connection was successful but the server did not return a response within the time allowed. The time limit is 30 seconds.
No response
The server did not respond to the request. This could also be due to a firewall which is running and blocking certain ports, a server not powered up, an Internet connection problem, a called service which is unavailable, etc.
Invalid port
The port specified in the application to be verified is invalid or not responding.
Untrusted certificate
The certificate has not been signed by a trusted certificate authority or the certificate date is no longer valid.
Matching sentence error
The page returned by the server did not contain the keyword specified in the application. Remember that the "key phrase" field allows you to define a phrase which must be present in the content of your page. If your page does not contain the key phrase, an alarm is sent. The check is made by default on the first 128 kilobytes of the page.
Socket error
The server encountered a problem during the establishment of the connection.
The monitoring service encounters an error which is not indexed in the specific errors of the protocol.
Malformed URL
The specified URL is invalid or wrongly constituted.
Unknown host
The DNS server used for the verification could not resolve the defined hostname.
No response
Generic status to indicate that the server did not respond to the request or that it is not accessible.
HTTP (Top)
Created (201)
The request has been fulfilled and resulted in a new resource being created. The newly created resource can be referenced by the URI(s) returned in the entity of the response, with the most specific URL for the resource given by a Location header field.
Accepted (202)
The request has been accepted for processing, but the processing has not been completed. This code is used instead of 201 when the processing of the request cannot be carried out immediately, leaving the result undetermined.
Non-Authoritative Information
Usually the preliminary information sent from a server to a browser comes directly from the server. If it does not, then this code might also be sent to indicate that information did not come from a known source.
No content (204)
The request was accepted and filled but no new information is being sent back. The browser receiving this response should not change its screen display (although new, and changed, private header information may be sent).
Moved permanently (301)
The URL is no longer accessible and has been definitively moved elsewhere (permanent redirection).
Moved temporarily (302)
The URL is no longer accessible and has been temporarily moved elsewhere (temporary redirection).
See other (303)
The requested URI can be found at a different URI (specified in the Location header) and should be retrieved by a GET on that resource.
Not Modified (304)
The web browser has performed a conditional GET request and access is allowed, but the document has not been modified. This classic response means you have configured your web browser to use an HTTP cache (proxy) in which a copy of the requested document is already stored. The cache proxy thus asked the server if the original document was modified, and received this response, so it will use the local copy instead of loading it from the server.
Use Proxy (305)
The requested URI must be accessed through the proxy in the Location header.
Content matching OK
The downloaded content matches the reference content of the monitored URL
Bad request (400)
The request was not understood by the server or the format of the request was incorrect.
Unauthorized (401)
Access to the URL requested was refused because it requires authentification of the user.
Payment Required (402)
A payment is required to access the requested URL.
Forbidden (403)
The server refused to process the request sent.
Not Found (404)
The document requested was not found at the specified URL.
Method Not Allowed (405)
Request method not permitted.
Not Acceptable (406)
The resource identified by the request is only capable of generating response entities which have content characteristics not acceptable according to the accept headers sent in the request.
Request Timeout (408)
This response code means the client did not produce a full request within some predetermined time (usually specified in the server's configuration), and the server is disconnecting the network connection.
Gone (410)
This code indicates that the requested URI no longer exists and has been permanently removed from the server.
Request Entity Too Large (413)
The server is refusing to process a request because the request entity is larger than the server is willing or able to process.
Method Not Allowed (405)
The expectation given in an Expect request-header field could not be met by this server, or, if the server is a proxy, the server has unambiguous evidence that the request could not be met by the next-hop server.
Too many requests (429)
The user has sent too many requests in a given amount of time
Internal error (500)
The server encountered an unexpected condition which prevented it from fulfilling the request.
Not Implemented (501)
The HTTP server does not support the functionality required to fulfill the request. This is the appropriate response when the server does not recognize the request method and is not capable of supporting it for any resource (either the web browser is too recent, or the HTTP server is too old).
Bad gateway (502)
The server, while acting as a gateway or proxy, received an invalid response from a resource responding to the request.
Service unavailable (503)
The server is currently unable to handle the request due to temporary overload or maintenance of the server.
Gateway timeout (504)
The server did not receive a timely response from another server that it was accessing while attempting to load the web page or fill another request by the browser. This usually means that the other server is down or not working properly.
HTTP Version not supported (505)
The server will not support the HTTP protocol version used in the request.
Uncompress error
A problem occurred while uncompressing (zip, ...) the response received from the web server
Certificate expiring soon
The certificate expiration date will soon be reached. The number of days before the expiration of the certificate to take into consideration is configurable in SSL settings.
Request aborted
The request to download URL has been aborted
Content matching error
The downloaded content doesn't match the reference content of the monitored URL
Javascript error
A javascript error occured when processing downloaded page
Handshake error
The SSL negotiation between client and server failed.
Expired client certificate
The client certificate date is no longer valid, the expiration date has been reach. The certificate owner must renew its certification nearby its certification provider.
Client certificate error
Either the client certificate or the password entered is incorrect
Expired certificate
The certificate date is no longer valid, the expiration date has been reach. The website owner must renew its certification nearby its certification provider.
Invalid http(s) response
The server returned a response not respecting Http/Https protocol.
Redirection failure
The redirection is incorrect or caused an infinite redirection loop.
FTP (Top)
Login OK (230)
Our system was able to successfully connect to the FTP server and authenticate itself.
Directory OK (250)
Change of directory after FTP authentication was successful.
Directory OK
The specified directory can be found.
Login OK
SFTP server authentication succeeded.
Connection closed (421)
Service not available, closing control connection. This may be a reply to any command if the service knows it must shut down.
Action aborted (451)
Requested action aborted. Local error in processing.
Syntax error (500)
Syntax error, command unrecognized. This may include errors such as command line too long.
Login error (530)
FTP authentication failed. This error may occur if the combination of username and password is invalid or if the FTP server refused the login.
Directory unavailable (550)
The specified directory cannot be reached or read rights have not been allocated for the directory.
SFTP channel error
The connection to the SFTP channel failed
Handshake error
The SSH negotiation between client and server failed.
Directory not found
The specified directory cannot be found.
Invalid ftp response
The server returned a response not respecting Ftp protocol.
Login error
SFTP server authentication failed. The combination of username and password is invalid or the SFTP server refused the login.
DNS (Top)
Query matching OK
The response to the DNS request corresponds to the expected result.
Lookup failed
The lookup failed due to a data or server error.
Query failed
The DNS request is incorrect and has failed. The command sent or the expected result are incorrect.
No record found
The host exists, but has no records associated with the queried type
Query host not found
The host specified in the DNS request does not exist.
No query result
The DNS query did not return any result
Query matching error
The response to the DNS request does not correspond to the expected result.
IMAP (Top)
Login OK
IMAP server authentication succeeded.
Email not found
No email matching the query provided by the user has been found.
Folder not found
There is no folder matching the name provided by the user.
Mailbox error
Authentication succeeded but connection to the specified mailbox failed.
Connection failed
A problem occurred during the attempt to connect to the server (network problem, no response from server, etc.).
Authentication failed
IMAP server authentication failed. The combination of username and password is invalid or the IMAP server refused the login.
PING (Top)
Ping OK
The server responded to the PING command sent.
Packet(s) loss
Some packets associated with the PING were lost. This means that the network connection is very slow, unstable or unreliable at the time of verification.
The server responds but does not accept the PING connection.
POP (Top)
Connect OK
Connection to the POP server succeeded.
Login OK
Authentication succeeded.
Mailbox error
Authentication succeeded but connection to the specified mailbox failed.
Connection failed
A problem occurred during the attempt to connect to the server (network problem, no response from server, etc.).
Login error
Login failed. This error may occur if the combination of username and password is invalid or if the mail server refused the login.
SMTP (Top)
Server ready (220)
Connection to the SMTP server succeeded and the server indicated that is ready to receive SMTP commands.
Login OK
SMTP server authentication succeeded.
Connection closed (421)
Service not available, closing transmission channel (This may be a reply to any command if the service knows it must shut down)
Action aborted (451)
Requested action aborted: error in processing.
Mailbox error
Requested action not taken: mailbox unavailable (e.g., mailbox not found, no access, or command rejected for policy reasons)
Transaction failed
Transaction failed (Or, in the case of a connection-opening response, "No SMTP service here")
Handshake error
The SSL negotiation between client and server failed.
Invalid smtp response
The server returned a response not respecting Smtp protocol.
Login error
SMTP server authentication failed. The combination of username and password is invalid or the SMTP server refused the login.
TCP (Top)
Connect OK
Successful connection to the specified port.
UDP (Top)
Connect OK
Successful connection to the specified port.
SQL execution succeeded
The SQL was successfully executed on the database
Connect OK
Connection to the mySql server succeeded.
MySQL error
MySQL has sent the error code. Check the SQL result to know the exact mySQL error code.
Authentification error
Invalid combination of username and password.
Unknown database
The database specified is unknow