Ending your subscription at any time
The InternetVista® monitoring service is proposed in the form of a monthly, quarterly, half-yearly or annual subscription. The selection of an annual subscription entitles you to a free thirteenth month.
When you end your internetVista subscription, all renewals will be immediately suspended and your monitoring subscription remains valid until the end of your subscription period, and for which have already paid. You can end your monitoring subscription whenever you wish.
For example, you have opted for a monthly subscription, which is renewed on the 5th of every month. If on the 20th, you decide to end your monitoring subscription, the latter will not be renewed on the 5th of the following month, but will remain valid until midnight of the 4th.
As you can see, our monitoring service is offered in a completely transparent way that, moreover, provides the utmost flexibility for our customers. Do not hesitate to contact our team. They will be happy to answer all your questions and remarks and assist you with any problem.