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Don't wait for your customers to warn you that your site is down!


The internet supervision is an external monitoring technique that watches over all of your internet services. It enables you to be the first to know when your website (HTTP/HTTPS) server (ftp, dns, ...) is down. internetVista is a web monitoring infrastructure which monitors all of your web and internet services (website, server, database, ...) 24/7. If your web site is not available, you will be directly alerted and notified via email and SMS.

Monitor all of your internet services and be able to:

  • Test and supervise all of your internet services availability 24/7 (sites, server, database, ...)
  • Get real-time alerts via email, SMS, Twitter when an outage is detected
  • Track and measure your website performance (availability, uptime, ...)

In addition to web site supervision, many protocols are also available such as: http, https, dns, smtp, pop, tcp, ping

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